Eligibility for Joining NSDCW
Any woman is eligible for membership in the National Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars, who is not less than eighteen years of age; who is of good moral character and reputation; who is in sympathy with the Objects of the Society; who is personally acceptable to the Society; who is lineally descended in the male or female line from an ancestor who, from the time of the settlement at Jamestown (May 13, 1607) to the battle of Lexington (April 19, 1775):
Served as a military or naval officer, or as a soldier, sailor, marine or privateersman, under the authority of the Colonies that afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain that participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which their men were enrolled.
Served in any civil position of high trust and responsibility in the Colonies, such as Director General, Vice Director General, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant, Lord Proprietor, Secretary, or Treasurer of a Colony or Province, member of the King's or Governor's Council, or Legislative Body in the Colonies, or Commissioner to the United Colonies or New England, or Member of the Council, or Body of Assistants, as well as Receiver General, Attorney General, Surveyor General, and such titles as Sheriff, Constable, Mayor, Judge, Justice of the Peace, Customs Officer, Master of Ordnance, or other elective or appointed offices in the Colonies.
Approval Process: At the same meeting at which the names are recommended, a two-thirds vote, by ballot, shall be required at the Council meeting. The decision of the State Council shall be final. The name of the applicant who is not approved may not be proposed again for two years.
Membership in NSDCW
Admission to membership in the National Society shall be by invitation through a State Society or a member at large in those States not having a Society. Contact the State President from your state to express your interest in membership. If your state is not on the list, or you are having problems contacting your state, please contact our National Registrar by Completing Inquiry Form Here.
Membership is based on lineal descent from a qualified ancestor; legal adoption does not constitute lineal descent.
The State President shall issue an invitation to the qualified applicant. If a favorable reply is received within three months, an application form shall be forwarded to the applicant by the State Registrar.
Preparation of the Application
The application form is available for use with a typewriter or as a Word document for computer.
The computer application must be printed on legal sized archival paper which is most copy paper.
Documentation for each generation of the lineage must identify the individuals named and must establish the relationship from one generation to another. All documentation submitted shall conform to the present day standards of evidence. Full dates with proof of birth, marriage and death (where applicable) must be furnished for generations one through three.
Birth certificates, marriage licenses and certificates, death certificates, wills, deeds, probate records, family Bibles and some census records (documents executed at the time of the event) are considered legal records of evidence.
Generations without dates and places, or other supporting documentation, may be considered with additional supporting information. If documentation cannot be provided for a specific date for example 4 July 1775, use “ca” 1775 or “about” 1775.
All references cited to support the lineage and service must be accompanied by a copy of the record. If from a published source (public or private), the title of the book, author, date of publication, volume and page or pages should be stated.
Documents must be legible.
Lineages accepted by another Society, or unsupported statements in a county history, family genealogy or newsletter, are not valid proof to establish a line of descent.
NOTE insufficient documentation concerning any generation will delay approval of the application.