Welcome to the National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars
Do you have an ancestor that lived during the period from the Jamestown Colony in 1607 to the Battle of Lexington in 1775? Are you interested in preserving that period of history, promoting patriotism, loyalty to country and enjoy the fellowship of others that share those beliefs. Then you will love this Hereditary Society! Our State Societies have Members throughout the United States.
E. Adele Bowyer
National President
1. To honor and perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who, by their acts and counsel, assisted in the establishment, defense and preservation of the American Colonies.
2. To collect and preserve records relative to the American Colonial Period, and records of service of men who assisted in the establishment, defense and preservation of the American Colonies.
3. To promote historical research and the study of history and to commemorate the events of the American Colony Period between 1607 and 1775.
4. To inspire patriotism and loyalty to our country.
5. To foster a spirit of fellowship among the members of the Society.
The Daughters of Colonial Wars was first organized in the State of Massachusetts at the Hotel Brunswick, Boston, Massachusetts, on May 14, 1917, Mrs. Frank Dexter Ellison, President, and incorporated on May 27, 1921. On April 18, 1932, the National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars was organized in Washington, D.C., Mrs. Frank Dexter Ellison, President. The society was subsequently incorporated in the State of New Jersey on November 22, 1935.

Mrs. Frank Dexter Ellison
May 1920 DAR Magazine

The Tudor rose is the official flower of the society, and the official colors are red, white, and blue. The Tudor rose consists of the larger red rose of Lancaster with the smaller white rose of York impressed upon it -- five petals upon five petals. In 1584 the first English colony in North America was claimed in the name of Queen Elizabeth I of England, the last Tudor Monarch.
At the top of this page is the official insignia of the National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars which consists of a round disk with a gold laurel wreath forming the outer edge. Entwined in the laurel wreath is a ribbon of gold bearing the name, Society Daughters of Colonial Wars. Above is the Tudor Rose in gold, with five petals upon five petals. A symbol of unity, the Tudor rose (representing the end of the 40-year struggle for possession of the English throne known as the War of the Roses) In the center, enameled in red, white, and blue, are the combined Crosses of St. George and St. Andrew signifying the union of England and Scotland as they are depicted on the Union Flag of 1707.
The ribbon from which the insignia is suspended is one and seven-sixteenths inches in width; the center stripe of white is three-quarters of an inch wide, with successive stripes of red, white and blue on either side.